Definition of Spin

1. Verb. Revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis. "These balls spin easily"; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"

Exact synonyms: Gyrate, Reel, Spin Around, Whirl
Generic synonyms: Go Around, Revolve, Rotate
Specialized synonyms: Whirligig
Derivative terms: Gyration, Gyration, Spinner, Whirl, Whirl, Whirler, Whirler

2. Noun. A swift whirling motion (usually of a missile).
Generic synonyms: Gyration, Revolution, Rotation
Specialized synonyms: Backspin, English, Side, Topspin

3. Verb. Stream in jets, of liquids. "The creek spun its course through the woods"
Specialized synonyms: Centrifugate, Centrifuge
Generic synonyms: Stream, Well Out

4. Noun. The act of rotating rapidly. "It broke off after much twisting"
Exact synonyms: Twirl, Twist, Twisting, Whirl
Generic synonyms: Rotary Motion, Rotation
Specialized synonyms: Pirouette, Birling, Logrolling
Derivative terms: Twirl, Twirl, Twist, Twist, Whirl, Whirl

5. Verb. Cause to spin. "The girls spin the wooden sticks"; "Spin a coin"
Exact synonyms: Birl, Twirl, Whirl
Generic synonyms: Circumvolve, Rotate
Derivative terms: Spinner, Twirl, Twirler, Whirl, Whirl

6. Noun. A short drive in a car. "He took the new car for a spin"
Generic synonyms: Drive, Ride

7. Verb. Make up a story. "Spin a yarn"

8. Noun. Rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral.
Exact synonyms: Tailspin
Generic synonyms: Acrobatics, Aerobatics, Stunt Flying, Stunting

9. Verb. Form a web by making a thread. "Spiders spin a fine web"

10. Noun. A distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion). "The campaign put a favorable spin on the story"
Generic synonyms: Interpretation, Rendering, Rendition

11. Verb. Work natural fibers into a thread. "Spin silk"
Generic synonyms: Distort, Twine, Twist
Derivative terms: Spinner, Spinning

12. Verb. Twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation. "The President's spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"
Generic synonyms: Lay Out, Present, Represent
Specialized synonyms: Sugarcoat

13. Verb. Prolong or extend. "Spin out a visit"
Exact synonyms: Spin Out
Generic synonyms: Draw Out, Extend, Prolong, Protract

Definition of Spin

1. v. t. To draw out, and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton, or flax; to spin goat's hair; to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material.

2. v. i. To practice spinning; to work at drawing and twisting threads; to make yarn or thread from fiber; as, the woman knows how to spin; a machine or jenny spins with great exactness.

3. n. The act of spinning; as, the spin of a top; a spin a bicycle.

Definition of Spin

1. Verb. (ergative) To rotate, revolve, gyrate (usually quickly); to partially or completely rotate to face another direction. ¹

2. Verb. (transitive) To make yarn by twisting and winding fibers together. ¹

3. Verb. To present, describe, or interpret, or to introduce a bias or slant so as to give something a favorable or advantageous appearance. ¹

4. Verb. (context: cricket of a bowler) To make the ball move sideways when it bounces on the pitch. ¹

5. Verb. (context: cricket of a ball) To move sideways when bouncing. ¹

6. Verb. (context: cooking) To form into thin strips or ribbons, as with sugar ¹

7. Noun. Circular motion. ¹

8. Noun. (physics) A quantum angular momentum associated with subatomic particles, which also creates a magnetic moment. ¹

9. Noun. A favourable comment or interpretation intended to bias opinion on an otherwise unpleasant situation. ¹

10. Noun. (cricket) Rotation of the ball as it flies through the air; sideways movement of the ball as it bounces. ¹

11. Noun. A condition of flight where a stalled aircraft is simultaneously pitching, yawing and rolling in a spinning motion. ¹

12. Noun. A brief trip by vehicle. ¹

13. Adjective. (cricket) Describing a spin bowler, or his style of bowling. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Spin

1. to draw out and twist into threads [v SPUN, SPINNING, SPINS]

Medical Definition of Spin

1. 1. To practice spinning; to work at drawing and twisting threads; to make yarn or thread from fibre; as, the woman knows how to spin; a machine or jenny spins with great exactness. "They neither know to spin, nor care to toll." (Prior) 2. To move round rapidly; to whirl; to revolve, as a top or a spindle, about its axis. "Round about him spun the landscape, Sky and forest reeled together." (Longfellow) "With a whirligig of jubilant mosquitoes spinning about each head." (G. W. Cable) 3. To stream or issue in a thread or a small current or jet; as, blood spinsfrom a vein. 4. To move swifty; as, to spin along the road in a carriage, on a bicycle, etc. 1. To draw out, and twist into threads, either by the hand or machinery; as, to spin wool, cotton, or flax; to spin goat's hair; to produce by drawing out and twisting a fibrous material. "All the yarn she [Penelope] spun in Ulysses' absence did but fill Ithaca full of moths." (Shak) 2. To draw out tediously; to form by a slow process, or by degrees; to extend to a great length; with out; as, to spin out large volumes on a subject. "Do you mean that story is tediously spun out?" (Sheridan) 3. To protract; to spend by delays; as, to spin out the day in idleness. "By one delay after another they spin out their whole lives." (L'Estrange) 4. To cause to turn round rapidly; to whirl; to twirl; as, to spin a top. 5. To form (a web, a cocoon, silk, or the like) from threads produced by the extrusion of a viscid, transparent liquid, which hardens on coming into contact with the air; said of the spider, the silkworm, etc. 6. To shape, as malleable sheet metal, into a hollow form, by bending or buckling it by pressing against it with a smooth hand tool or roller while the metal revolves, as in a lathe. To spin a yarn, to twist it into ropes for convenient carriage on an expedition. To spin street yarn, to gad about gossiping. Origin: AS. Spinnan; akin to D. & G. Spinnen, Icel. & Sw. Spinna, Dan. Spinde, Goth. Spinnan, and probably to E. Span. Cf. Span, Spider. 1. The act of spinning; as, the spin of a top; a spin a bicycle. 2. Velocity of rotation about some specified axis. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Spin

spilt the beans
spin (current term)
spin-density wave
spin-lattice relaxation
spin-polarized fusion
spin-spin energy
spin-spin relaxation
spin a yarn
spin around
spin bowler
spin bowlers
spin density

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