Definition of Space writer

1. Noun. A writer paid by the area of the copy.

Generic synonyms: Author, Writer

Definition of Space writer

1. Noun. A journalist or other writer who is paid according to the column inches of his copy ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Space Writer

space technologies
space technology
space tourism
space travel
space vehicle
space vehicles
space velocities
space velocity
space walk
space walks
space wave
space waves
space weapon
space weapons
space weather
space writer
space writers
spacecraft clock time
spacecraft event time

Literary usage of Space writer

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Handbook of Journalism: All about Newspaper Work.--Facts and Information by Nathaniel Clark Fowler (1913)
"The space-writer, or the man-on-space, as he may be called in the vernacular of the sanctum, does not receive a regular salary for his services, ..."

2. The Handbook of Journalism: All about Newspaper Work.--Facts and Information by Nathaniel Clark Fowler (1913)
"The space-writer, or the man-on-space, as he may be called in the vernacular of the sanctum, does not receive a regular salary for his services, ..."

3. The Bookman (1906)
"Secondly, the space-writer writes for a living. I hope for his own soul's sake that this particular space-writer also writes for his living. ..."

4. In Spite of the Handicap: An Autobiography by James David Corrothers (1916)
"He was not a regular man, merely a "space writer," and the editors sometimes complained that his ..."

5. "We, the People": A Series of Papers on Topics of To-day by Edward Everett Hale (1903)
"The necessity of the space writer is to know nothing on any subject, and it happens, unfortunately, that the necessity of the counting-room is the same. ..."

6. Education by Project Innovation (Organization) (1895)
"... a "space" writer, on general subjects, is likely to be more or less ignored ; but possibly a space writer on "scientific pedagogy" * may have a more ..."

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