Definition of Space travel

1. Noun. A voyage outside the Earth's atmosphere.

Exact synonyms: Spacefaring, Spaceflight
Generic synonyms: Voyage
Examples of category: Gravity-assist

Definition of Space travel

1. Noun. travel through space in order to visit and explore other worlds ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Space Travel

space ship
space ships
space shuttle
space sickness
space simulation
space simulator
space simulators
space station
space stations
space suit
space suits
space suppression
space technologies
space technology
space tourism
space travel
space vehicle
space vehicles
space velocities
space velocity
space walk
space walks
space wave
space waves
space weapon
space weapons
space weather
space writer
space writers

Literary usage of Space travel

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicle by Roger E. Bilstein (1999)
"In 1928, Oberth and others were consultants for a German film about space travel called The Girl in the Moon. The script included the now-famous reverse ..."

2. Space 2030: Tackling Society's Challenges by OECD International Futures Programme (2005)
"Space tourism operators might provide two different types of space travel: suborbital flights and orbital flights. In suborbital travel, customers are flown ..."

3. FAA Aerospace Forecasts: Fiscal Years 2000-2011edited by Robert L. Bowles edited by Robert L. Bowles (2000)
"space travel will be important in 2028 to orbit satellites, ... The line between air and space travel will be blurred as aircraft fly faster and higher, ..."

4. Petroleum Marketing Annual (1992)Technolo (1994)
"space travel will be important in 2028 to orbit satellites, ... The line between air and space travel will be blurred as aircraft fly faster and higher, ..."

5. Nonfiction Reading Practice, Grade 6 by Ellen Linnihan (2003)
"The Big Fuss space travel is a big dream for many people around the world. The media has popularized the notion of it for decades in such movies and TV ..."

6. Architecture of Instruction and Delight: A Socio-historical Analysis of by Pieter van Wesemael (2001)
"They deliberately did not refer to space travel, the future, or the fairground. Their image would be damaged if the public were to associate them with ..."

Other Resources:

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