Definition of Sound effect

1. Noun. An effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play.

Generic synonyms: Effect

Definition of Sound effect

1. Noun. An artificially created or enhanced sound, used to accompany the action of a dramatic production, such as a film, play or video game ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sound Effect

sound as a bell
sound asleep
sound asleep(p)
sound barrier
sound barriers
sound bite
sound bites
sound bow
sound box
sound boxes
sound camera
sound card
sound cards
sound change
sound changes
sound effect
sound effects
sound energy
sound engineer
sound engineering
sound film
sound hole
sound holes
sound judgement
sound judgment
sound law
sound localization
sound off
sound out
sound perception

Literary usage of Sound effect

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Psychology of the Other-one: An Introductory Text-book of Psychology by Max Friedrich Meyer (1922)
"Physical investigations (especially those of GW Stewart) have shown that the total sound effect, that is, the sum of the two sound effects in the two ears ..."

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