Medical Definition of Somatic hybrid

1. Heterokaryon formed between two somatic cells, usually from different species. See: somatic cell genetics. This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Somatic Hybrid

somatic agglutinin
somatic antigen
somatic arteries
somatic cell
somatic cell gene therapy
somatic cell hybridization
somatic cell nuclear transfer
somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cells
somatic chromosome
somatic crossing-over
somatic death
somatic delusion
somatic hybrid (current term)
somatic layer
somatic mesoderm
somatic mitosis
somatic motor neuron
somatic motor nuclei
somatic mutation
somatic mutation theory of cancer
somatic nerve
somatic nervous system
somatic nucleus
somatic recombination
somatic sensation
somatic sense

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