Definition of Slur
1. Verb. Play smoothly or legato. "They will slur the duet"; "The pianist slurred the most beautiful passage in the sonata"
2. Noun. (music) a curved line spanning notes that are to be played legato.
3. Verb. Speak disparagingly of; e.g., make a racial slur. "Your comments are slurring your co-workers"
4. Noun. A disparaging remark. "It is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility"
Generic synonyms: Depreciation, Derogation, Disparagement
Specialized synonyms: Ethnic Slur
Derivative terms: Asperse
5. Verb. Utter indistinctly.
6. Noun. A blemish made by dirt. "He had a smudge on his cheek"
Generic synonyms: Blemish, Defect, Mar
Specialized synonyms: Blotch, Splodge, Splotch, Fingermark, Fingerprint, Inkblot
Derivative terms: Blot, Blot, Smear, Smear, Smirch, Smudge, Smudgy, Spot, Spot
7. Verb. Become vague or indistinct. "The distinction between the two theories blurred"
Generic synonyms: Weaken
Specialized synonyms: Efface, Obliterate
Derivative terms: Blur
Antonyms: Focus
Also: Slur Over
Definition of Slur
1. v. t. To soil; to sully; to contaminate; to disgrace.
2. n. A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo.
Definition of Slur
1. Noun. An insult or slight. ¹
2. Noun. (music) A set of notes that are played legato, without separate articulation. ¹
3. Noun. (music) The symbol indicating a legato passage, written as an arc over the slurred notes. ¹
4. Noun. (obsolete) A trick or deception. ¹
5. Noun. In knitting machines, a device for depressing the sinkers successively by passing over them. ¹
6. Verb. To insult or slight. ¹
7. Verb. To run together; to articulate poorly. ¹
8. Verb. (music) To play legato or without separate articulation. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Slur
1. to pass over lightly or carelessly [v SLURRED, SLURRING, SLURS]
Medical Definition of Slur
1. A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo. "Gaining to his name a lasting slur."
2. A trick played upon a person; an imposition.
3. A mark, thus [Lexicographical Neighbors of Slur
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