Definition of Ski run

1. Noun. Trail or slope prepared for skiing.

Exact synonyms: Ski Trail
Specialized synonyms: Piste
Generic synonyms: Trail

Definition of Ski run

1. Noun. (sports) A trail or slope used for skiing ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ski Run

ski jumpers
ski jumping
ski jumps
ski lift
ski lifts
ski lodge
ski mask
ski masks
ski parka
ski pole
ski poles
ski race
ski rack
ski resort
ski resorts
ski run
ski runs
ski school
ski schools
ski slope
ski slopes
ski tow
ski trail
ski wax
ski waxes

Literary usage of Ski run

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Thousand Days in the Arctic by Frederick George Jackson (1899)
"Tin others all went for a ski-run towards Cape Gertrude. Soon after my return I found to my surprise that the icet the southwest was breaking up, ..."

2. A Thousand Days in the Arctic by Frederick George Jackson (1899)
"The day being clear and moonlight, but with a good deal of wind, I went east with young Heyward, and we got a fine ski-run from the top of the glacier ..."

3. A Thousand Days in the Arctic by Frederick George Jackson (1899)
"We all then went for a ski-run to the eastward, and Wilton and I ran the glacier two or three times. There is distinct evidence of this glacier having ..."

4. Adventure Guide to the Sierra Nevada by Wilbur H. Morrison (2000)
"It departs from ski run Marina at the foot of ski run Boulevard daily at 11, 1:30 and 3:55, from early June to early October, and at noon the rest of the ..."

5. California: Las Vegas, Reno, Baja California by John Gottberg (1999)
"1156 ski run Blvd.. South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. tel. 544-5050. 1-800-288-2463. Lake Tahoe Visitor Center. Highway 89 just north of South Lake Tahoe. tel. ..."

6. To the South Polar Regions: Expedition of 1898-1900 by Louis Charles Bernacchi (1901)
"The ice fields of the Southern Cross remaining still undisturbed, some of us went that night for a long ski run to a large iceberg about seven miles away. ..."

7. Adventure Guide to the Alps by Krista Dana (2004)
"They come for the same reasons you should - spectacular mountain scenery, intimate glacier views, and a 24-km ski run of mostly intermediate difficulty. ..."

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