Definition of Short list

1. Noun. A list of applicants winnowed from a longer list who have been deemed suitable and from which the successful person will be chosen.

Exact synonyms: Shortlist
Generic synonyms: List, Listing

Definition of Short list

1. Noun. A list of candidates that has been generated from a longer list (a long list) ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Short List

short handed
short head
short head of biceps brachii muscle
short head of biceps femoris muscle
short hundredweight
short incubation hepatitis
short interspersed elements
short iron
short leash
short leashes
short leg
short letter
short levatores costarum muscles
short limbs and osteopenia
short line
short list
short lists
short message service
short metacarpals
short of
short of a length
short on looks
short order
short orders
short out
short palmar muscle
short pants
short peroneal muscle
short posterior ciliary artery

Literary usage of Short list

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics by George Udny Yule (1919)
"short list OF WORKS ON THE MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF STATISTICS AND THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY. THE student may find the following short list of service, ..."

2. Barlow's Tables of Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Reciprocals of Peter Barlow, Augustus De Morgan by Peter Barlow, Augustus De Morgan (1914)
"S 冉D 吠T 几卑S 旷· · Pebl 排真八广扔尸夕尸4 A short list OF SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PU 耳二 ... short list ..."

3. The Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in the Supreme Court of by Francis Joseph Troubat, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, William Worthington Haly, Asa Israel Fish (1867)
"When they are disposed of, the general list shall be called as on other days ; but the short list shall be finished before any other business. ..."

4. Diet in Health and Disease by Julius Friedenwald, John Ruhräh (1906)
"A short list OF BOOKS ON FOOD AND DIET. Relative Value of Metric and Apothecaries' ... In addition to these and to the short list here given the reader is ..."

5. The Antiquary by Edward Walford, John Charles Cox, George Latimer Apperson (1890)
"In 1853 a short list was published in Notes and Queries ; and it is thoroughly disgraceful to the clergy and others concerned to note how many of these have ..."

6. Diet in Health and Disease by Julius Friedenwald, John Ruhräh (1909)
"In addition to these and to the short list here given the reader is referred to the numerous valuable contributions published by the United States ..."

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