Definition of Shopping list

1. Noun. A list of items to be purchased.

Generic synonyms: List, Listing
Specialized synonyms: Grocery List

2. Noun. A list of heterogenous items that someone wants. "The union came to the table with a whole grocery list of demands"
Exact synonyms: Grocery List
Generic synonyms: List, Listing

Definition of Shopping list

1. Noun. A list, written on e.g. a piece of paper, of items that need to be bought. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively) A list of related items. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shopping List

shopping agent
shopping bag
shopping basket
shopping baskets
shopping bot
shopping bots
shopping cart
shopping carts
shopping center
shopping centers
shopping centre
shopping centres
shopping guide
shopping list
shopping lists
shopping mall
shopping malls
shopping precinct
shopping precincts
shopping trolley
shopping trolleys

Literary usage of Shopping list

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Daily Language Review: Student Practice Books by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers (2007)
"... Correct this shopping list. Use correct capitalization and punctuation. Go to: happy pet shop millers drugstore ..."

2. The Insider's Guide To Home Equity Borrowing by Pete Hitesman (2004)
"Appendix B Lender shopping list—HELOC After you have researched lenders and narrowed your list down to two or three that seem to suit your particular needs, ..."

3. Authentic Reading Practice Grades 1-3by Jo Ellen Moore by Jo Ellen Moore (2001)
"(Page 204) Students read each shopping list and match it to the correct group of items pictured. Using a shopping list (Pages 205-207) Students "shop" for ..."

4. The Power of Point-of-Purchase Advertising: Marketing at Retailby Robert Liljenwall by Robert Liljenwall (2004)
"Do you Use A Written shopping list? ... The first objective of brand marketers is to get on the consumer's shopping list. The studies demonstrated that ..."

5. Mechanically Inclined: Building Grammar, Usage, and Style Into Writer's Workshop by Jeff Anderson (2005)
""Now, before I read it, I need to make my shopping list. ... "We have to decide what's going to go in the box—a sort of shopping list. ..."

Other Resources:

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