Definition of Shooting star

1. Noun. A streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode.

Exact synonyms: Meteor
Generic synonyms: Light, Visible Light, Visible Radiation
Specialized synonyms: Bolide, Fireball
Group relationships: Meteor Shower, Meteor Stream

Definition of Shooting star

1. Noun. A meteor, especially a streak of light in the night sky, caused by a meteoroid burning up as it enters the Earth’s atmosphere. ¹

2. Noun. Any of several wild flowering plants in the genus ''Dodecatheon'', mostly found in Western North America. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shooting Star

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shooting gallery
shooting guard
shooting guards
shooting iron
shooting lodge
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shooting preserve
shooting preserves
shooting range
shooting ranges
shooting rights
shooting script
shooting spree
shooting sprees
shooting star
shooting stars
shooting stick
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shooting through

Literary usage of Shooting star

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. All the Year Round by Charles Dickens (1870)
"Two observers stationed at different spots sufficiently distant from each other, will not behold the same shooting star to be tracing * See Aы. THE ..."

2. The Story of the Heavens by Robert Stawell Ball (1885)
"... our System—Their Numbers—How they are Observed—The shooting star—The Theory of Heat—A great shooting star—The November Meteors—Their Ancient History—The ..."

3. The Story of the Heavens by Robert Stawell Ball (1885)
"Small Bodies of our System—Their Numbers—How they are Observed—The Shooting Star—The Theory of Heat—A great shooting star—The November Meteors—Their Ancient ..."

4. Popular Astronomy: A General Description of the Heavens by Camille Flammarion (1894)
"A lesson as profound as unexpected, the shooting star itself does not glide by chance, ... On shooting star PICKED THE SAME DUST UNDER October 5, 1879, ..."

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