2. Noun. (plural of sheaf) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Sheaves
1. sheave [v] - See also: sheave
Lexicographical Neighbors of Sheaves
Literary usage of Sheaves
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of King's Bench: With by Great Britain Court of King's Bench, Edward Hyde East, George Mifflin Wharton (1845)
"The wheat, when cut, was first bound up in sheaves, which were immediately set
up in riders ; each rider consisting of 10 sheaves, four of which were set up ..."
2. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General (1890)
"It is of great consequence to see that corn is'dry when it is tied up in sheaves,
that these are not too tightly bound, and that every sheaf is kept ..."
3. A Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament: With Reports of Cases by Henry Gwillim, Charles Ellis (1825)
"Where the tithes are taken in sheaves, and stubbing. a]i the ten parts ^.e put
by ^ farmer into unequal shocks, the rector can neither compare the size of ..."
4. Friends' Intelligencer by Friends Intelligencer Association (1869)
"BRINGING OUR sheaves WITH US. The time for toil has past, and night has come,
The last and saddest of the harvest evea ; Worn out with labor long and ..."
5. Elements of Machine Design by Oscar Adolph Leutwiler (1917)
"Chain sheaves.—sheaves are of two classes, namely those that merely guide ...
Designs of plain sheaves, referred to as the first class, are shown in Figs. ..."
6. The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture by Henry Moseley (1856)
"If an number of pulleys (called in this case sheaves) be made to turn on as many
different centres in the same block A, and if in another block B there be ..."
7. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, by John Gardner Wilkinson (1841)
"f The modern Egyptians cut the wheat close to the ground, — barley and doora
being plucked up by the roots, —and having bound it in sheaves, carry it to a ..."
8. The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture by Henry Moseley (1856)
"If an number of pulleys (called in this case sheaves) be made to turn on as many
different centres in the same block A, and if in another block B there be ..."