Definition of Segregated
1. Adjective. Separated or isolated from others or a main group. "A segregated neighborhood"
Similar to: Isolated, Quarantined, Separate, Sequestered, Lily-white, White
Also: Separate, Divided
Antonyms: Integrated
Definition of Segregated
1. Adjective. (context: of a person or thing) Separated or isolated from others, or from another group. ¹
2. Adjective. (context: of an institution) Having access restricted to certain groups, or excluding certain groups. ¹
3. Verb. (past of segregate) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Segregated
1. segregate [v] - See also: segregate
Lexicographical Neighbors of Segregated
Literary usage of Segregated
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Ill-Equipped: U.S. Prisons and Offenders with Mental Illness by Sasha Abramsky (2003)
"The level system is supposed to offer the segregated prisoner incentives for good
behavior, or disincentives for misconduct. Prisoners with mental illness, ..."
2. The Report and Recommendations of the Bridgeport Vice Commission by Bridgeport (Conn.). Vice Commission (1916)
"CHAPTER I. THE segregated DISTRICT. At the time our investigation began, Bridgeport
had a well- defined segregated district. ..."
3. Indian Land Laws: Being a Treatise on Indianland Titles in Oklahoma and by Samuel Thomas Bledsoe (1913)
"segregated coal lands in Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation.—A large acreage was
segregated from the tribal domain in the Choctaw-Chickasaw Nation and known ..."
4. The Social Welfare Forum: Official Proceedings ... Annual Forum by National Conference on Social Welfare, American Social Science Association, Conference of Charities (U.S., Conference of Charities (U.S.), National Conference of Social Work (U.S. (1914)
"Three years ago I wrote to Des Moines and Lincoln, where the segregated ...
From both I learned that the closing of the segregated district had been not ..."
5. The New City Government: A Discussion of Municipal Administration Based on a by Henry Jaromir Bruere, William Sheperdson (1913)
"Administrators' Objections to a segregated Budget.— It is frequently contended
by administrative heads that a policy of minute budgetary segregation binds ..."
6. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature by Royal Society (Great Britain) (1906)
"Maps of segregated coal lands in the McAlester district, Choctaw Nation, Indian
Territory, Avith descriptions of the unleased segregated coal lands. ..."
7. Proceedings by North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools (1906)
"rV%, were in "segregated" classes. These facts are presented analytically in the
following table. The figures in parenthesis indicate the number of classes ..."