Definition of Second joint

1. Noun. The upper joint of the leg of a fowl.

Exact synonyms: Thigh
Generic synonyms: Helping, Portion, Serving
Group relationships: Bird, Fowl
Terms within: Dark Meat

Definition of Second joint

1. Noun. The upper joint of the leg of a fowl, especially when used as food ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Second Joint

second hand
second hands
second heart sound
second helping
second helpings
second home
second homes
second imperative
second imperatives
second in command
second incisor
second innings
second inversion
second inversions
second island chain
second joint
second joints
second language
second languages
second law of motion
second law of thermodynamics
second lieutenant
second lieutenants
second line chemotherapy
second meiotic division
second messenger
second messenger systems
second molar
second moment
second moment of area

Literary usage of Second joint

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The American Naturalist by American Society of Naturalists, Essex Institute (1900)
"Maxilla of the second pair; /, first joint; 2, second joint; /a, lobe of the second joint; 3, third joint; /globes of the third ..."

2. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences by California Academy of Sciences (1901)
"Mandibles with the molar tubercle prominent; the second joint of the palp narrow, the third joint wider than the second, tapering evenly toward the base, ..."

3. The Metropolitan (1844)
"Right hand : the top joint of the thumb is dedicated to God, the second joint to the Virgin ; the top joint of the fore-finger to St. Barnabas, the second ..."

4. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia for by American Philosophical Society (1883)
"—second joint of antenna; considerably shorter tlum third, abdomen shining ... second joint of antennas half as long as third ; the third joint somewhat ..."

5. The Canadian Entomologist by Entomological Society of Canada (1951- ), Entomological Society of Ontario (1874)
"second joint t>f the palpi a little swollen tmt'ards the apex, and the third as long as the second; second joint pale gray, third pale ochreous with a brown ..."

6. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. by American Entomological Society (1887)
"... beyond the apical tooth reaching nearly the tip of the third tarsal joint, in the female it barely reaches the tip of the second joint. ..."

7. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences by California Academy of Sciences (1899)
"second joint of fore tarsi with clavate yellow appendages. appendiculatus LOEW. ... Antennae large, black; first joint cylindrical; second joint produced ..."

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