Medical Definition of Scarious
1. Dry and membranous. (09 Oct 1997)
Lexicographical Neighbors of Scarious
Literary usage of Scarious
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Botany by Geological Survey of California, William Henry Brewer, Sereno Watson, Asa Gray (1880)
"Stipules scarious or setiform. +- Petals conspicuous : styles distinct. ...
Leaves ovate or oblong : stipules scarious. ceous : the setiform rigid stipules ..."
2. Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gamopetalae, Being a Second Edition by Asa Gray (1888)
"... half or more scarious-petaloid, plane ; commonly one or more accessory outer
bracts. Hay-flower» G to 10 and with oblong exported ligule 3-cleft at tho ..."
3. Catalogue of the African Plants by William Philip Hiern, Alfred Barton Rendle, Friedrich Martin Josef Welwitsch (1898)
"smallest, scarious and often lacerate-ciliolate at the tip, extending to the base
of the capitula; flowers yellow ; involucral scales about 15, ..."
4. Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club by Torrey Botanical Club (1899)
"Such involucres commonly have scarious mouths. PLATE 121. ANTHOCEROS CAROLINIANUS
OCCIDENTALIS. I and 2. Portions of the thallus, natural size. 3-5. ..."
5. A Flora of Western Middle California by Willis Linn Jepson (1901)
"Stamens 6, Bracts scarious. Pedicels jointed at the summit. ... Bracts small and
scarious. Pedicels length twisted over the ovary; segments 6, distinct, ..."
6. Botany of the United States North of Virginia: Comprising Descriptions of by Lewis Caleb Beck (1848)
"... with opposite or alternate, entire leaves, and scarious stipules. Flowers minute,
with scarious bracts. 1. ..."
7. English Botany, Or, Coloured Figures of British Plants by James Sowerby, John Thomas Boswell, Phebe Lankester, John William Salter (1870)
"Glumes of the female flowers oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate, acute, pale green
Avith very broad white scarious margins, ultimately nearly wholly white, ..."
8. Flora Cestrica: An Attempt to Enumerate and Describe the Flowering and by William Darlington (1837)
"... tho leaflets lance-oblong, with a green keel, scarious on th» margin; ray.* white,
neuter, spreading, often drooping or ..."