Definition of Safety pin

1. Noun. A pin in the form of a clasp; has a guard so the point of the pin will not stick the user.

Generic synonyms: Pin

Definition of Safety pin

1. Noun. a pin, in the form of a clasp, that has a guard to cover the sharp point; used to join two pieces of fabric etc together temporarily ¹

2. Noun. the pin of a hand grenade that prevents accidental detonation ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Safety Pin

safety in numbers
safety island
safety islands
safety isle
safety lamp
safety lamps
safety lens
safety lock
safety management
safety margin
safety match
safety matches
safety net
safety nets
safety nut
safety pin
safety pins
safety rail
safety razor
safety razors
safety school
safety schools
safety spectacles
safety squeeze
safety squeeze play
safety stock
safety stocks
safety strap
safety valve
safety valves

Literary usage of Safety pin

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear: Medical and Surgical by William Lincoln Ballenger (1914)
"361 Safety-pin closer. Fia. 362 Jackson's safety-pin forceps for holding the ring ... Employed in cases of open safety-pin lodged point up in the esophagus. ..."

2. The Living Age by Making of America Project, Eliakim Littell, Robert S. Littell (1844)
"'Well, Godmother Margot, I'm not going to give her any cause to worry about me up there, but now I have to run away, there's a safety- pin . ..."

3. Pipefuls by Christopher Morley (1920)
"it not the safety pin that made the world safe for infancy? There will be some, mayhap, to set up the button as rival to the safety pin in service to ..."

4. Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics by The American College of Surgeons, Franklin H. Martin Memorial Foundation (1913)
"A safety pin through a projecting lip of this cuff and the side of the outer tube ... 4 shows both tubes transfixed with a safety pin, without the cuff. ..."

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