Definition of Safety island

1. Noun. A curbed area in a roadway from which traffic is excluded; provides safe area for pedestrians.

Exact synonyms: Safety Isle, Safety Zone, Traffic Island
Generic synonyms: Island
Group relationships: Roadbed

Definition of Safety island

1. Noun. An area of roadway from which traffic is excluded so as to provide safety for pedestrians; a traffic island ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Safety Island

safety catch
safety coffin
safety coffins
safety curtain
safety deposit box
safety device
safety factor
safety feature
safety fuse
safety harness
safety hat
safety helmet
safety helmets
safety in numbers
safety island
safety islands
safety isle
safety lamp
safety lamps
safety lens
safety lock
safety management
safety margin
safety match
safety matches
safety net
safety nets
safety nut
safety pin

Literary usage of Safety island

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Plan of Evanston (1917)
"A second safety island and underground comfort station is suggested contiguous to the surface trolley tracks, on Sherman Avenue just south of Davis Street. ..."

2. Adventure Guide to St. Martin & St. Barts by Lynne M. Sullivan (2003)
"Practical travel advice, including how to use the local buses and travel safety. Island culture, history, religion. Color photos. ..."

3. A Voyage to Abyssinia: Executed Under the Orders of the British Government by Henry Salt (1816)
"... as a store-house, for laying up their goods ; and from this circumstance, as we could not ascertain its native appellation, we named it safety island. ..."

4. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1920)
"The safety island light system is fed by transformers of similar construction, but of a different suitable characteristic and capacity, each transformer ..."

5. Community Life and Civic Problems by Howard Copeland. Hill (1922)
"Note at the right the safety island for foot passengers. been closed for the play of children, boys from playing truant, and shopkeepers from littering up ..."

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