Definition of Safe harbor

1. Noun. The target company defends itself by acquiring a company so onerously regulated that it makes the target less attractive. "The acquisition gave the company a safe harbor"

Definition of Safe harbor

1. Noun. A safe haven. ¹

2. Noun. (business legal) A statutory, regulatory, or contractual provision that provides protection, usually from a penalty or liability. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Safe Harbor

safe-deposit box
safe and sound
safe area
safe as houses
safe conduct
safe harbor
safe harbors
safe haven
safe havens
safe house
safe houses
safe in the knowledge
safe mode
safe pair of hands
safe period
safe room
safe seat
safe seats

Literary usage of Safe harbor

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Endangered Species Recovery Act: Congressional Hearings edited by John H. Chafee (1999)
"Authorizes safe harbor Agreements Without Requiring Conservation Benefit. ... safe harbor agreements are a laudable attempt to get conservation benefits ..."

2. The Autobiography of John Fritz by John Fritz (1911)
"safe harbor. IN May, 1849, I went to safe harbor. In Lancaster, while waiting for a conveyance to carry my trunk to its destination, I met a gentleman whom ..."

3. The Genesis of the United States: A Narrative of the Movement in England by Alexander Brown (1890)
"... especially as there is but one safe harbor in the island, if they have time to fortify that, as they mean to do with great earnestness. ..."

4. Vision for a New IRS: Report of the National Commission on Restructuring the Bob Kerry by Bob Kerry (1998)
"By providing a safe harbor for determining the nature of captive insurers, ... safe harbor permitting RICs to avoid PFIC treatment The proposal would ..."

5. Taking the Profit Out of Drug Trafficking: The Battle Against Money edited by Bill McCollum (2001)
"But banks, under Annunzio-Wiley have what is called "civil safe harbor." That is, if they report suspicious activity and they are sued by the customer for ..."

6. Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House by United States Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations (1912)
"The principal purpose of the defense of Manila Bay is to provide a safe harbor for a fleet to, assemble, coal, and repair, if necessary; and the defenses ..."

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