Definition of Rock group

1. Noun. A band of musicians who play rock'n'roll music.

Exact synonyms: Rock Band
Generic synonyms: Band, Dance Band, Dance Orchestra
Specialized synonyms: Beatles

Definition of Rock group

1. Noun. A group of musicians who regularly perform rock music together. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Rock Group

rock cocaine
rock concert
rock crabs
rock cress
rock crystal
rock dots
rock dove
rock doves
rock drill
rock elm
rock face
rock faces
rock garden
rock geranium
rock group
rock groups
rock gunnel
rock harlequin
rock hind
rock hopper
rock hound
rock hyrax
rock kangaroo
rock lobster
rock maple
rock mechanics
rock music
rock oil

Literary usage of Rock group

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Geology by Alexander Henry Green (1882)
"The strata of the adjoining flats can be divided into a set of corresponding groups, and we know that when a rock group of the mountains and a rock group of ..."

2. Report of the Annual Meeting (1883)
"... overlying slates with worm-like markings are our ' Metalliferous slate series' which belong to the same great rock group. The Aberystwyth grits are le. ..."

3. The Face of the Earth: (Das Antlitz Der Erde) by Eduard Suess (1904)
"From the north-west to the south-east three larger granite masses arise, Sopris Peak, Snow Mass Group, and White rock group, which runs out in a small spur ..."

4. Geology for Students and General Readers: Physical Geology by Alexander Henry Green (1880)
"He discovered that each rock group contained a number of fossils different from those in any other group, and that by means of these fossils it could be ..."

5. Upper Peninsula, 1881-1844: Lower Peninsula, 1885-1893 by Michigan Geological Survey (1895)
"Considering their position above the ore formation of Vermillion Lake, which in its entire complex has so much resemblance with the ore-bearing rock group ..."

6. The Campaign of the Cataracts: Being a Personal Narrative of the Great Nile by William Francis Butler (1887)
"... and for an hour or two a rifle duel went on from rock group to rock group. That our bullets must have been dropping accurately, the disappearance of the ..."

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