Definition of Reverentially
1. Adverb. With reverence; in a reverent manner. "He gazed reverently at the handiwork"
Definition of Reverentially
1. adv. In a reverential manner.
Definition of Reverentially
1. Adverb. In a reverential manner; worshipfully. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Reverentially
1. [adv]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Reverentially
Literary usage of Reverentially
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great: in ten vol by Thomas Carlyle (1865)
"Herr Doctor Zimmermann, the famous Author of the Book " On Solitude," walks
reverentially before Friedrich's Door in the Dusk of an October Evening ..."
2. History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great by Thomas Carlyle (1865)
"... reverentially before Friedrich's Door in the Dusk of an October Evening ; and
has a Royal Interview next Day. Friday Evening, 25th October 1771, ..."
3. History of Friedrich the Second: Called Frederick the Great by Thomas Carlyle (1897)
"Herr Doctor Zimmermann, the famous Author of the Book " On Solitude" walk»
reverentially before Friedrich'» Door in the Du»k of an October Evening ; and has ..."
4. Our First Century: Being a Popular Descriptive Portraiture of the One by Richard Miller Devens (1876)
"Distinguished Celebrities Present.—Washington's Elegant Appearance.—Dignity when
Taking the Oath.—reverentially Kisses the Bible.—Curious Customs Initiated. ..."
5. The Past in the Present: What is Civilization? by Arthur Mitchell (1881)
"I shall obtain a ready belief, and the stone will be handled and looked at
reverentially, as a thing rendered half sacred by the halo of antiquity and ..."