¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Retrieving
1. retrieve [v] - See also: retrieve
Lexicographical Neighbors of Retrieving
Literary usage of Retrieving
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Recreation by George O. Shields, American Canoe Association, League of American Sportsmen (1902)
"A DEER retrieving DOG. EB COLLINS. Jake and me was runnin' a ranch up on Roane
creek and we thought we could make somethin' out of the shootin', ..."
2. Diaries and Correspondence of James Harris, First Earl of Malmesbury by James Harris Malmesbury (1844)
"... and that he has sunk the interests of his uncle still lower, instead of
retrieving them. Prince Potemkin did not choose his niece should give him a ..."
3. The Book of the Church by Robert Southey (1825)
"They committed him for the present, and afterwards discharged him upon a disgraceful
petition, whereby he ruined his character without retrieving his ..."
4. English Composition as a Social Problem by Sterling Andrus Leonard (1917)
"Thus, the class may praise as interesting a bald statement or two about a spaniel's
retrieving; but they may ask also for further matters of interest, as, ..."
5. Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time by Nathaniel William Wraxall (1836)
"The one, by enlarging and extending the British dominions in India : the other,
by confirming their power, restoring the company's finances, and retrieving ..."
6. SAS(R) 9.1 SQL Procedure User's Guide by Sas Institute, Institute SAS Institute (2004)
"CHAPTER retrieving Data from a Single Table Overview of the SELECT Statement 12
SELECT and FROM Clauses 12 WHERE Clause 13 ORDER BY Clause 13 GROUP BY ..."
7. My Consulate in Samoa: A Record of Four Years' Sojourn in the Navigators by William Brown Churchward (1887)
"... in Tears — Swimming on Shore — Mr. B. Brown — Wife-retrieving Bureau — A Rara
Avis — Marriages in Samoa — Attempted Matrimony at Long Range. August. ..."