¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Relubrication
1. lubrication [n -S] - See also: lubrication
Lexicographical Neighbors of Relubrication
Literary usage of Relubrication
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Transactions by National Association of Cotton Manufacturers, New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, Institution of Public Health Engineers (Great Britain) (1913)
"... running for a long time in a hi-.n in;; anil run o\oi and over again for years
in some cases, they not knowing that the bearings required relubrication. ..."
2. The Experimental Study of Gases: An Account of the Experimental Methods by Morris William Travers (1901)
"... but if it is necessary to employ them over a considerable period without
relubrication they are liable to become jammed owing to the grease ..."
3. The Experimental Study of Gases: An Account of the Experimental Methods by Morris William Travers (1901)
"... necessary to employ them over a considerable period without relubrication they
are liable to become jammed owing to the grease working out at the ends. ..."
4. The Experimental Study of Gases: An Account of the Experimental Methods by Morris William Travers (1901)
"... necessary to employ them over a considerable period without relubrication they
are liable to become jammed owing to the grease working out at the ends. ..."
5. Vacuum Cleaning Systems: A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of by Maxwell Stephens Cooley (1913)
"A good cleaner should be so constructed that it can be operated for at least 100
hours without relubrication. The dust bag should always be on the suction ..."
6. The Michigan Engineer by Michigan Engineering Society (1892)
"... and then an ample interval for cooling and relubrication of the necks follows.
In this nearly instantaneous action, it is not to be supposed that actual ..."