Definition of Radio transmitter

1. Noun. Transmitter that is the part of a radio system that transmits signals.

Group relationships: Radio, Wireless
Specialized synonyms: Spark Transmitter
Generic synonyms: Sender, Transmitter

Lexicographical Neighbors of Radio Transmitter

radio soundings
radio source
radio spectrum
radio station
radio stations
radio tag
radio tagging
radio telegraphy
radio telemetry
radio telephony
radio telescope
radio telescopes
radio tower
radio towers
radio tracking
radio transmitter (current term)
radio wave
radio waves
radioactive atom
radioactive constant
radioactive contamination
radioactive cow
radioactive dating

Literary usage of Radio transmitter

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students of Radio by Elmer Eustice Bucher (1917)
"It is essential that the open and closed oscillation circuits of both the radio-transmitter and receiver be substantially adjusted to the same natural ..."

2. Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students of Radio by Elmer Eustice Bucher (1917)
"It is essential that the open and closed oscillation circuits of both the radio-transmitter and receiver be substantially adjusted to the same natural ..."

3. Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students of Radio by Elmer Eustice Bucher (1917)
"It is essential that the open and closed oscillation circuits of both the radio-transmitter and receiver be substantially adjusted to the same natural ..."

4. Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students of Radio by Elmer Eustice Bucher (1917)
"It is essential that the open and closed oscillation circuits of both the radio-transmitter and receiver be substantially adjusted to the same natural ..."

5. Letters of a Radio-engineer to His Son by John Mills (1922)
"We can do this if we treat the radio transmitter and receiver exactly like the telephone instruments of Fig. 132 and connect them to a square of resistances ..."

6. Elements of Radiotelegraphy by Ellery W. Stone (1919)
"THE FOUR radio transmitter CIRCUITS. 118. In Figs. 21 and 23, that part of the transmitter from the source of current supply thru the ..."

7. Text-book on Wireless Telegraphy by Rupert Stanley (1919)
"This immediately opens up the possibility of connecting ordinary telephone lines to the radio transmitter, so that any one in a large city can speak from ..."

8. Text-book on Wireless Telegraphy by Rupert Stanley (1919)
"This immediately opens up the possibility of connecting ordinary telephone lines to the radio transmitter, so that any one in a large city can speak from ..."

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