Lexicographical Neighbors of Quillai
Literary usage of Quillai
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Microscopy of Technical Products by Thomas Franz Hanausek (1907)
"quillai bark is obtained from a tree-like rosaceous plant (Quillaja Saponaria
Molina), a native of Chile, and is extensively used in scouring colored ..."
2. American Druggist (1887)
"quillai, the old Chilian name, is tri-syllabic, that is, the a and i are not
pronounced as a single sound, but separately. In latinizing a word of this kind ..."
3. The Scientific American Cyclopedia of Formulas: Partly Based Upon the 28th by Albert Allis Hopkins (1910)
"quillai bark in coarse powder, 1 oz.; boiling water, 10 oz. Let stand 12 hours,
filter, and add salicylic acid (50 gr.) dissolved in rectified spirit, ..."
4. Three Years in the Pacific: Including Notices of Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru by William Samuel Waithman Ruschenberger (1834)
"The " quillai" is the bark of the Quillaja Saponaria, Molina, a large tree growing
at the foot of hills, and in the mountain valleys of Chile. ..."
5. Plant Names, Scientific and Popular, Including in the Case of Each Plant the by Albert Brown Lyons (1900)
"... Black Oak*, Champion or Spanish Oak. 1705. QUILLAJA, Mol. (.quillaia). Soap bark.
Rosaceae. From vernacular quillai, Chili. Evergreen trees with thick ..."