Definition of Pyrrhotite
1. Noun. A brownish iron sulfide mineral (FeS) having weak magnetic properties.
Definition of Pyrrhotite
1. Noun. (minerology) A weakly magnetic ferrous sulfide mineral, FeS. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Pyrrhotite
1. [n -S]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Pyrrhotite
Literary usage of Pyrrhotite
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1900)
"ESTIMATION OF pyrrhotite IN PYRITES ORE. BY FB CARPENTER. Received August 15.
1900, SINCE the introduction of pyrites into the manufacture of sulphuric acid ..."
2. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and (1914)
"From the scanty evidence seen, we conclude that pyrrhotite undergoes ...
No indications have been found that pyrrhotite may be derived from other sulphides. ..."
3. Ore-deposits: A Sequel to the 2d Ed. of "The Genesis of Ore-deposits," by by František Pošepný, Samuel Franklin Emmons, George Ferdinand Becker, John Duer Irving, H. DeWitt Smith, Henry Gardiner Ferguson (1913)
"Coarse pyrrhotite with a small amount of chalcopyrite and rock ; 2. ...
Massive fine-grained pyrrhotite ; 4. pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite in diorite , 5. ..."
4. Mineral Resources of Virginia by Thomas Leonard Watson, Ray Smith Bassler, Heinrich Ries, Roy Jay Holden, Virginia Jamestown Exposition Commission (1907)
"pyrrhotite. pyrrhotite or magnetic pyrites, known also as ... Where found in
Virginia, the pyrrhotite bodies occur as lenses in the crystalline schists and ..."
5. Mineralogy: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Minerals by Henry Alexander Miers (1902)
"pyrrhotite. — Sulphide of iron ; Fe = 56 - 61 ; S = 44 - 39. ... pyrrhotite is
usually massive with a tendency to laminar structure ; but large crystals, ..."
6. A Treatise on Metamorphism by Charles Richard Van Hise (1904)
"pyrrhotite, pyrite, and marcasite are very widespread accessory minerals, occurring
in rocks of all ages and all kinds. So far as known, these minerals arc ..."
7. A Study of the Magmatic Sulfid Ores by Cyrus Fisher Tolman, Austin Flint Rogers (1916)
"Chal- copyrite and pyrite are associated with the pyrrhotite, ... His photographs
show pyrrhotite surrounding the olivine and penetrating it in embayments. ..."
8. The Deposits of the Useful Minerals & Rocks: Their Origin, Form, and Content by Franz Heinrich August Beyschlag, Johan Herman Lie Vogt (1914)
"The composition of clean nickel-pyrrhotite from Sudbury for instance or of pyrite
... The numerous nickel-pyrrhotite deposits found in different countries, ..."