Definition of Pull in
1. Verb. Direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes. "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"
Generic synonyms: Draw, Force, Pull
Specialized synonyms: Tug, Arrest, Catch, Get, Draw In, Retract, Bring
Related verbs: Draw In, Retract, Curl, Curl Up, Draw In
Derivative terms: Attraction, Attraction, Attraction, Attraction, Attractive, Pull, Pull, Pull
Antonyms: Repel
2. Verb. Earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages. "They pull in the money "; "He clears $5,000 each month"
Related verbs: Make, Clear, Net, Sack, Sack Up
Generic synonyms: Acquire, Get
Specialized synonyms: Eke Out, Squeeze Out, Profit, Turn A Profit, Rake Off, Bring Home, Take Home, Rake In, Shovel In, Gross, Bear, Pay, Yield
Derivative terms: Earner, Gainer
3. Verb. Of trains; move into (a station). "The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station"
Generic synonyms: Arrive, Come, Get
Related verbs: Close In, Draw In
Antonyms: Pull Out
4. Verb. Get or bring together. "Accumulate evidence"
Specialized synonyms: Archive, File Away, Beat Up, Drum Up, Rally
Generic synonyms: Accumulate, Amass, Collect, Compile, Hoard, Pile Up, Roll Up
Derivative terms: Collecting, Collection
Definition of Pull in
1. Verb. (context: literally transitive) to pull something, so that comes inside. ¹
2. Verb. (idiomatic transitive) to arrest ¹
3. Verb. (idiomatic transitive) to earn [money] ¹
4. Verb. (idiomatic intransitive of a train) to approach a station. ¹
5. Verb. (idiomatic nautical transitive) to tighten a sail by pulling on a rope. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Lexicographical Neighbors of Pull In
Literary usage of Pull in
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Horace Howard Furness (1873)
"I pull in resolution, and begin To doubt the equivocation of the fiend That lies
like truth: ' Fear not, till Birnam wood Do come to Dunsinane;' and now ..."
2. The American Journal of Psychology by Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener (1920)
"(2—3+) "Little pull in wrist with the first. The pull a little greater in the
... pull in wrist as if the thing reached out longer and gave more pull in ..."
3. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1913)
"FD Newbury: It is decidedly more difficult to get high starting torque at pull-in,
as expressed in percentage of motor output, with the larger number of ..."
4. Belt Conveyors and Belt Elevators by Frederic Valerius Hetzel (1922)
"Calculate the pull in the return belt at the top pulley from Column 3, Table 57,
add to it the tension applied to the return belt by the take-ups and call ..."
5. Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present: A Dictionary, Historical and by John Stephen Farmer, William Ernest Henley (1902)
"besides having THE PULL in their favour, in opening the charge, and colouring it
as they think proper. ... ,855. ..."