¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Prominences
1. prominence [n] - See also: prominence
Lexicographical Neighbors of Prominences
Literary usage of Prominences
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Sun by Charles Augustus Young (1895)
"Classification of prominences as quiescent, and eruptive or metallic.—Isolated
Clouds. ... Theories as to the Formation and Causes of the prominences. ..."
2. Spectrum Analysis in Its Application to Terrestrial Substances, and the by Heinrich Schellen, Jane Lassell, Caroline Lassell (1872)
"On this account it has been impossible hitherto to see the prominences ...
The prominences, on the contrary, furnish only a few detached croups of rays ..."
3. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by H.W. Wilson Company (1911)
"Circulation in the solar atmosphere as indicated by prominences. ... prominences.
Angular speed of rotation of a ins prominence. AA Buss. Naturel 143. ..."
4. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia for by American Philosophical Society (1919)
"prominences AND CORONAL ARCHES. BY CO LAMPLAND. (Read April 25, 1919.) The solar
prominences or protuberances have considerable historical interest in the ..."
5. Astronomy by Simon Newcomb, Edward Singleton Holden (1883)
"Gaseous Nature of the prominences.— The eclipse of 1868 (July) was total in ...
He was provided with a spectroscope, and by it observed the prominences. ..."