2. Verb. (third-person singular of pout) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Pouts
1. pout [v] - See also: pout
Lexicographical Neighbors of Pouts
Literary usage of Pouts
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Curiosities of Natural History by Francis Trevelyan Buckland (1882)
"... sir, all night, and terrible bad luck of it I've had, the tide was so cruel
strong and the water was so slobby, that I only ketched a few pouts. ..."
2. London: Being an Accurate History and Description of the British Metropolis by David Hughson (1805)
"Mackrel, whitings, whiting-pouts, plaice, dabbs, herrings, pilchards, garb-fish,
flounders, and maids, Billingsgate, sixty ; other markets thirty. ..."
3. The Literature of Egypt and the Soudan from the Earliest Times to the Year by Ibrahim-Hilmy (1887)
"... pouts—The patient waiters—The invaluable bath—My precious treasures—Soudan
prices—Exquisite camping-ground— A note of discord—The guilty ..."