¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Possibler
1. possible [adj] - See also: possible
Lexicographical Neighbors of Possibler
Literary usage of Possibler
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Pennsylvania Archives by Pennsylvania Dept. of Public Instruction, Pennsylvania State Library (1853)
"... Endeavor as soon as possibler, to reduce the number of Posts the King's Troops
now actualy Garrison. For this reason 1 must decline accepting your offer ..."
2. The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England: To which is Added an by Edward Hyde Clarendon (1826)
"... the deplorable i condition to which this young innocent prince was reduced,
when it was fully pressed to them in the most efficacious terms possibler; ..."
3. History of Fort Wayne, from the Earliest Known Accounts of this Point, to by Wallace A. Brice (1868)
"... -as possibler—c.ony eying -the oi;..-. water, -.-.ove.^ .the : .picketing, in
buckets,, amd a ditch was also opened under the. picketing^- by means of ..."
4. The Crisis: Or, Essays on the Usurpations of the Federal Government by Robert James Turnbull, Brutus (1827)
"But if the case be possibler my end is answered. There may be a case then, in
which the sword alone shall be the only argument. But let us take the instance ..."
5. A History of the County of Westchester, from Its First Settlement to the by Robert Bolton (1848)
"who had to draw up their pieces as fast as possibler which they effected without
any loss but received three or four shot quite among them, ..."