¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Polytheisms
1. polytheism [n] - See also: polytheism
Lexicographical Neighbors of Polytheisms
Literary usage of Polytheisms
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Ten Great Religions by James Freeman Clarke (1883)
"On the other hand, the ethnic or evolved religions, as those of India, Egypt,
Greece, Rome, and Germany, were polytheisms, with very little tendency toward ..."
2. Ten Great Religions: An Essay in Comparative Theology / by James Freeman Clarke by James Freeman Clarke (1883)
"On the other hand, the ethnic or evolved religions, as those of India, Egypt,
Greece, Rome, and Germany, were polytheisms, with very little tendency ..."
3. The World's Parliament of Religions: An Illustrated and Popular Story of the by John Henry Barrows (1893)
"polytheisms are found to be actual growths. Tracing them back they become simpler
and simpler. "The younger the polytheism ..."
4. The World's Congress of Religions: The Addresses and Papers Delivered Before by John Wesley Hanson (1894)
"Another fact of belief is, that the polytheisms have not held their fields without
dissent and revolt. Over against the tendency of depraved humanity to ..."
5. Review of the World's Religious Congresses of the World's Congress Auxiliary by Lewis Pyle Mercer (1893)
""polytheisms are found to be actual growths Tracing them back they become ...
"Another fact of belief is that the polytheisms have not held their fields ..."