Definition of Point man

1. Noun. Someone who is the forefront of an important enterprise. "He is the president's point man on economic issues"

Generic synonyms: Leader

2. Noun. A soldier who goes ahead of a patrol.
Generic synonyms: Soldier

Definition of Point man

1. Noun. (military) In combat, the soldier who takes point; the soldier who assumes the first and most exposed position in a combat military formation; the lead soldier/unit advancing through hostile or unsecured territory. ¹

2. Noun. By extension, a most trusted assistant or associate; the person to whom one would most rely upon. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Point Man

point break
point cloud
point clouds
point deletion
point duty
point epidemic
point function
point functions
point group
point groups
point guard
point guards
point in time
point jam
point lace
point man
point men
point mutation
point mutations
point of accumulation
point of apoapsis
point of articulation
point of contact
point of departure
point of elbow
point of entry
point of fixation
point of honor

Literary usage of Point man

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Health & Wealth by Elbert Hubbard (1908)
"Would it not be worth striving for, to have a college president say of you, over his own signature: "He is a Hundred-point man in everything and anything ..."

2. An American Bible by Alice Hubbard (1918)
"<IA Hundred-point man is one who is true to every trust; who keeps his word; who is loyal to ... The paranoiac is the antithesis of the Hundred-point man. ..."

3. Collected Papers by the Staff of Saint Mary's Hospital, Mayo Clinic by Saint Marys Hospital (Rochester, Minn.) (1921)
"The West point man, controlled by unwritten laws, has himself to blame for the suspicion and prejudice of the American people because of his lack of ..."

4. Seven Firefights in Vietnam by John A. Cash (1985)
"In a roar and a boiling cloud of thick, black smoke, the enemy point man disappeared. As the smoke cleared, Jones could see that the explosion had almost ..."

5. The Whistler Journal by Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Joseph Pennell (1921)
"The riding was splendid and I, as a West point man, was head of the procession. By noon the performance was over. The Spanish fleet sailed again into ..."

6. Biblical Counsel: Resources for Renewal : an Annotated Topical Bibliography by Steven C. Kettler (1993)
"70547 "Dean is executive director of point man lntemational, ... Cyril J. Barber point man lntemational. 70550 [70547] Counsel for military veterans. ..."

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