Definition of Pocket watch

1. Noun. A watch that is carried in a small watch pocket.

Generic synonyms: Ticker, Watch

Definition of Pocket watch

1. Noun. A watch carried in the pocket, often with a closing cover and usually attached to a chain. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pocket Watch

pocket pairs
pocket park
pocket parks
pocket pistol
pocket pistols
pocket protector
pocket protectors
pocket rat
pocket rockets
pocket square
pocket trumpet
pocket trumpets
pocket veto
pocket vetos
pocket watch
pocket watches
pocketed bat
pocketed calculus
pocketed freetail bat

Literary usage of Pocket watch

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America by Seismological Society of America (1916)
"... taken from a pocket watch or from a household clock great accuracy can not be expected. Though it would be extremely desirable, the Bureau has not yet ..."

2. Popular Lectures and Addresses by William Thomson Kelvin (1894)
"This I can testify from experience of a good pocket-watch which I have tried now for nearly two years ; indeed, a good pocket-watch, if well treated, ..."

3. Days at the Factories: Or, The Manufacturing Industry of Great Britain by George Dodd (1843)
"In a common pocket-watch, the key by which the winding-up is effected is placed on a small piece of mechanism called a ' fusee,' from which a chain extends ..."

4. The Naval Chronicle by Stephen Jones, James Stanier Clarke (1799)
"Let us now suppose a Timepiece to be fixed in a Ship : the observer to be provided with a Quicksilver Horizon, a sextant, and a pocket watch, ..."

5. Hydrographical Surveying: A Description of Means and Methods Employed in by William James Lloyd Wharton (1882)
"par- the " Stop " is given on an exact second of the box-chronometer (which beats half seconds), and the time by the pocket- watch noted. ..."

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