Definition of Piltdown man

1. Noun. A supposedly primitive man later proven to be a hoax.

Exact synonyms: Piltdown Hoax
Generic synonyms: Primitive, Primitive Person

Lexicographical Neighbors of Piltdown Man

Pilea pumilla
Pilgrim's Progress
Pilgrim Father
Pill Hill
Pillars of Hercules
Pilosella aurantiaca
Pilosella officinarum
Piltdown hoax
Piltdown man
Piltz sign
Pilularia globulifera
Pimenta acris
Pimenta dioica
Pimenta officinalis
Pimentón de La Vera
Pimpinella anisum

Literary usage of Piltdown man

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by H.W. Wilson Company (1916)
"11 Cur Opinion 60:265-6 Ap '16 Sec aim Art, Primitive; Man—Origin and antiquity; piltdown man , Man ..."

2. The Outline of Science: A Plain Story Simply Told by John Arthur Thomson (1922)
"piltdown man saw, heard, felt, thought, and dreamt much as we do still. And this was 150000 years ago at a modern estimate, and some would say half a ..."

3. The Passing of the Great Race; Or, The Racial Basis of European History by Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn (1921)
"In special instances additional sources are inserted here. 105 : 17. piltdown man. See Charles Dawson, the discoverer, i, 2 and 3. ..."

4. Organic Evolution by Richard Swann Lull (1917)
"This can have but one interpretation, the awakening within this ancient type of the instinctive belief in immortality! FIG. 251.—Skull of piltdown man, ..."

5. Men of the Old Stone Age: Their Environment, Life and Art by Henry Fairfield Osborn (1915)
"... of the piltdown man. of a chimpanzee, and of modern man, compared 140 71. The piltdown man. side view 142 72. The piltdown man, front view 143 73. ..."

6. The American Year Book: A Record of Events and Progress by Francis Graham Wickware, (, Albert Bushnell Hart, (, Simon Newton Dexter North (1916)
"... continents and then spread southward into South America, Africa, southeastern Asia and Australia. The results of recent studies upon the piltdown man ..."

7. World History by Hutton Webster (1921)
"This "find" has excited immense interest, because piltdown man is the most ... piltdown man is thought to have lived during the third interglacial stage. ..."

8. Everyday Life in the Old Stone Age by Marjorie Quennell, Charles Henry Bourne Quennell (1922)
"To revert to the skull, the piltdown man is altogether a much more presentable person than his Java ancestor; he had a respectable forehead—a better one, ..."

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