Lexicographical Neighbors of Peneplanes
Literary usage of Peneplanes
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Shore Processes and Shoreline Development by Douglas Wilson Johnson (1919)
"The discussion offshore terminology leads inevitably to a consideration of the
terminology of peneplanes of marine and other origins, and space is given to ..."
2. Shore Processes and Shoreline Development by Douglas Wilson Johnson (1919)
"The discussion of shore terminology leads inevitably to a consideration of the
terminology of peneplanes of marine and other origins, and space is given to ..."
3. A Textbook of Geology by Amadeus William Grabau (1920)
"Many so-called plateaus are really uplifted peneplanes cut on horizontal strata,
as in the case of the Alleghany Plateau of the eastern United States. ..."
4. A Comprehensive Geology by Amadeus William Grabau (1920)
"Many so-called plateaus are really uplifted peneplanes cut on horizontal strata,
as in the case of the Alleghany Plateau of the eastern United States. ..."
5. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature by Anna Lorraine Guthrie, Marion A. Knight, H.W. Wilson Company, Estella E. Painter (1920)
"J Geog 16:215-18 F '18 Plains, planes, and peneplanes. DW Johnson. Geog R 1:443-7
Je '16 «fe п!яо Climate: ..."
6. Australasia by Henry Rees (1907)
"The peneplanes projecting from the central band of the Highlands are separated
from one another by a series of basin-shaped depressions and valleys, ..."
7. Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala by Geologiska institutionen, Mineralogisk-geologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet (1908)
"davon zu geben, wie der Boden oft wie eine zähflüssige Masse sich in langsamer
Bewegung befindet. Für die Bildung von peneplanes kann die ..."