¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Pallia
1. pallium [n] - See also: pallium
Lexicographical Neighbors of Pallia
Literary usage of Pallia
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The History of the Norman Conquest of England: Its Causes and Its Results by Edward Augustus Freeman (1876)
"... year both the newly consecrated Archbishops Lanfranc went to Rome for their
pallia. Lanfranc was received by maa go to Alexander with special honour. ..."
2. The Cloud World, Its Features and Significance: Being a Popular Account of by Samuel Barber (1903)
"During the severe frost pallia in a lower drift predominated These were more of
the strato-cumulus type, thicker and of more rapid movement. ..."