Definition of Palatine tonsil

1. Noun. Either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of the oral pharynx.

Exact synonyms: Faucial Tonsil, Tonsil, Tonsilla
Generic synonyms: Lymphatic Tissue, Lymphoid Tissue
Group relationships: Nasopharynx

Definition of Palatine tonsil

1. Noun. (anatomy) One of the two tonsils that can be seen on the left and right sides at the back of the throat. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Palatine tonsil

1. A large oval mass of lymphoid tissue embedded in the lateral wall of the oral pharynx on either side between the pillars of the fauces. Synonym: tonsilla palatina, tonsilla, faucial tonsil, tonsil. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Palatine Tonsil

palatine aponeurosis
palatine artery
palatine bone
palatine bones
palatine glands
palatine groove
palatine papilla
palatine process
palatine raphe
palatine ridge
palatine spines
palatine surface of horizontal plate of palatine bone
palatine tonsil
palatine tonsils
palatine torus
palatine uvula
palatine vein

Literary usage of Palatine tonsil

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy by Daniel John Cunningham, Arthur Robinson (1914)
"... on each side wall of the oral pharynx, the anterior and posterior limits of a triangular interval in which is lodged the palatine tonsil. ..."

2. Manual of Practical Anatomy by Daniel John Cunningham (1921)
"The descending palatine branch of the internal maxillary artery also sends small twigs to the soft palate and palatine tonsil. Two nerves enter the soft ..."

3. Anatomy, Descriptive and Applied by Henry Gray (1913)
"... and joins in the middle line the corresponding part of the opposite muscle. Passing lateralward and downward behind the palatine tonsil, ..."

4. Clinical Rheumatology: A Problem-oriented Approach to Diagnosis and Management by Roland W. Moskowitz (1921)
"Their structure is similar to that of the palatine tonsil. The crypts are five to six in number and are often clothed with ciliated epithelium. ..."

5. Infectious Diseases by James Cornelius Wilson, Julius Lincoln Salinger (1910)
"Lacunar angina of the pharyngeal tonsil clinically resembles angina of the palatine tonsil in so far as it also begins with fever, frequently preceded by ..."

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