Medical Definition of Os ethmoidale

1. An irregularly shaped bone lying between the orbital plates of the frontal and anterior to the sphenoid bone; it consists of two lateral masses of thin plates enclosing air cells, attached above to a perforated horizontal lamina, the cribriform plate, from which descends a median vertical or perpendicular plate in the interval between the two lateral masses; the bone articulates with the sphenoid, frontal, maxillary, lacrimal, and palatine bones, the inferior nasal concha, and the vomer; it enters into the formation of the anterior cranial fossa, the orbits, and the nasal cavity. Synonym: os ethmoidale. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Os Ethmoidale

os basilare
os breve
os calcis
os capitatum
os centrale
os centrale tarsi
os coccygis
os costale
os cuboideum
os cuneiforme intermedium
os cuneiforme laterale
os cuneiforme mediale
os ethmoidale (current term)
os femoris
os frontale
os hamatum
os hyoideum
os iliacum
os ilium
os incae
os incisivum
os intermaxillare
os intermedium
os intermetatarseum
os interparietale
os irregulare

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