Definition of Orange marmalade

1. Noun. Marmalade made from oranges.

Generic synonyms: Marmalade

Lexicographical Neighbors of Orange Marmalade

orange G
orange balsam
orange bat
orange blister beetle
orange blister beetles
orange blossom
orange blossoms
orange daisy
orange fleabane
orange grove
orange hawkweed
orange horseshoe bat
orange juice
orange liqueur
orange marmalade (current term)
orange milkweed
orange milkwort
orange mushroom pimple
orange peel
orange peel fungus
orange peels
orange pekoe
orange red
orange rind
orange roughy
orange sneezeweed
orange soda
orange squash
orange stick

Literary usage of Orange marmalade

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Natural Wealth of California: Comprising Early History; Geography by Titus Fey Cronise (1868)
"Pickles, Preserved Fruits and Vegetables: orange marmalade—Quince Jelly—Onions, etc. Potatoes—Large Growths. Dairy Products : Butter—Cheese. ..."

2. The Boston Cooking-school Cook Book by Fannie Merritt Farmer (1896)
"Remove peel in quarters from eight oranges and prepare as for orange marmalade. Divide oranges in sections, remove seeds and tough part of skin. ..."

3. A New System of Domestic Cookery: Formed Upon Principles of Economy and by Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell (1824)
"orange marmalade. Rasp the oranges, cut out the pulp, then boil the rinds very tender, and beat fine in a marble mortar. ..."

4. Modern Cookery, in All Its Branches: Reduced to a System of Easy Practice by Eliza Acton (1858)
"orange marmalade. Rasp very slightly on a fine and delicately clean grater the rinds of some sound Seville oranges; cut them in quarters, and separate the ..."

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