Definition of Null infinity

1. Noun. In a closed space-time, especially for an Einstein cylinder, null infinity for a given point is the limit of convergence of the light cone most distant from the given point. That is, it is the limit of a set of points that each have a time-like separation from every point that has a space-like separation from the given point. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Null Infinity

null-cell adenoma
null-subject language
null-subject languages
null anaphora
null and void
null cell
null cells
null character
null characters
null hypotheses
null hypothesis
null infinities
null infinity
null modem
null modems
null mutation
null object
null objects
null path length
null persistent
null pointer
null pointers
null recurrence
null recurrent
null set
null sign
null signs

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