Definition of Not dog

1. Noun. A vegan or vegetarian imitation-sausage, or hot dog sandwich made with one ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Not Dog

not absolutely
not all it's cracked up to be
not as black as one is painted
not at all
not bad
not bad(p)
not be 100 percent on something
not be able to get a word in edgeways
not be caught dead
not bear thinking about
not by a blame sight
not by a long sight
not by any means
not cricket
not delayed
not dog
not dogs
not due
not enough room to swing a cat
not equal sign
not even
not even one
not far
not fluently
not for the world
not give a monkey's
not give a tinker's cuss
not give a tinker's damn
not give somebody the time of day
not guilties

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