Definition of Newsy
1. Adjective. Full of news. "A newsy letter"
2. Adjective. Prone to friendly informal communication.
Exact synonyms: Chatty, Gossipy
Similar to: Communicative, Communicatory
Derivative terms: Chat, Gossip
Similar to: Communicative, Communicatory
Derivative terms: Chat, Gossip
Definition of Newsy
1. a. Full of news; abounding in information as to current events.
Definition of Newsy
1. Adjective. Containing lots of news; informative. ¹
2. Adjective. Chatty, gossipy. ¹
3. Noun. (informal) A distributor of news; a newsagent. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Newsy
1. full of news [adj NEWSIER, NEWSIEST] / a newsboy [n NEWSIES] - See also: newsboy
Lexicographical Neighbors of Newsy
Literary usage of Newsy
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. How to Develop and Expand a Retail Business: Testing Ways to Get More Trade by A.W. Shaw Company, Shaw, A. W., company (1920)
"A few days after he reaches the city every customer on his mailing list receives
a brief friendly note from this merchant, containing a few newsy hints ..."