Definition of Natural monopoly

1. Noun. Control over the market for a product which occurs when a firm gains large benefit from economies of scale, or from a superior business model or product, and is thus able to produce a very large percentage of the total market demand for a given product and unintentionally exclude meaningful competition via price structures. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Natural Monopoly

natural killer cell stimulating factor
natural killer cells
natural language
natural language processing
natural language processing application
natural language processor
natural language understanding
natural languages
natural law
natural light
natural logarithm
natural logarithms
natural minor scale
natural minor scales
natural monopolies
natural monopoly
natural mutation
natural number
natural numbers
natural object
natural order
natural person
natural persons
natural phenomenon
natural philosophy
natural pigment
natural preserve
natural price
natural prices

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