Definition of Mouth

1. Verb. Express in speech. "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

2. Noun. The opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge. "He stuffed his mouth with candy"

3. Verb. Articulate silently; form words with the lips only. "She mouthed a swear word"
Generic synonyms: Affect, Dissemble, Feign, Pretend, Sham
Specialized synonyms: Lip-sync, Lip-synch

4. Noun. The externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening. "She wiped lipstick from her mouth"
Specialized synonyms: Cytostome, Beak, Bill, Neb, Nib, Pecker, Beak
Generic synonyms: Opening, Orifice, Porta
Terms within: Oral Cavity, Oral Fissure, Rima Oris, Lip, Arteria Lingualis, Lingual Artery, Lingual Vein, Vena Lingualis
Group relationships: Face, Human Face

5. Verb. Touch with the mouth.
Generic synonyms: Touch

6. Noun. An opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge). "They built a fire at the mouth of the cave"
Generic synonyms: Gap, Opening

7. Noun. The point where a stream issues into a larger body of water. "New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"
Generic synonyms: Formation, Geological Formation

8. Noun. A person conceived as a consumer of food. "He has four mouths to feed"
Generic synonyms: Eater, Feeder

9. Noun. A spokesperson (as a lawyer).
Exact synonyms: Mouthpiece
Language type: Colloquialism
Generic synonyms: Interpreter, Representative, Spokesperson, Voice

10. Noun. An impudent or insolent rejoinder. "Don't give me any of your sass"
Exact synonyms: Back Talk, Backtalk, Lip, Sass, Sassing
Generic synonyms: Comeback, Counter, Rejoinder, Replication, Retort, Return, Riposte
Derivative terms: Sassy, Sass

11. Noun. The opening of a jar or bottle. "The jar had a wide mouth"
Group relationships: Bottle, Jar
Generic synonyms: Opening

Definition of Mouth

1. n. The opening through which an animal receives food; the aperture between the jaws or between the lips; also, the cavity, containing the tongue and teeth, between the lips and the pharynx; the buccal cavity.

2. v. t. To take into the mouth; to seize or grind with the mouth or teeth; to chew; to devour.

3. v. i. To speak with a full, round, or loud, affected voice; to vociferate; to rant.

Definition of Mouth

1. Noun. (anatomy) The opening of a creature through which food is ingested. ¹

2. Noun. The end of a river out of which water flows. ¹

3. Noun. An outlet, aperture or orifice. ¹

4. Noun. (slang) A loud or overly talkative person. ¹

5. Verb. (transitive) To speak about something. ¹

6. Verb. (transitive) To make the actions of speech, without producing sound. ¹

7. Verb. (transitive) To pick up or handle with the lips or mouth, but not chew or swallow. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Mouth

1. to put into the mouth [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Mouth

1. Origin: OE. Mouth, mu, AS. M; akin to D. Mond, OS. M, G. Mund, Icel. Mur, munnr, Sw. Mun, Dan. Mund, Goth. Muns, and possibly L. Mentum chin; or cf. D. Muil mouth, muzzle, G. Maul, OHG. Mla, Icel. Mli, and Skr. Mukha mouth. 1. The opening through which an animal receives food; the aperture between the jaws or between the lips; also, the cavity, containing the tongue and teeth, between the lips and the pharynx; the buccal cavity. 2. Hence: An opening affording entrance or exit; orifice; aperture; as: The opening of a vessel by which it is filled or emptied, charged or discharged; as, the mouth of a jar or pitcher; the mouth of the lacteal vessels, etc. The opening or entrance of any cavity, as a cave, pit, well, or den. The opening of a piece of ordnance, through which it is discharged. The opening through which the waters of a river or any stream are discharged. The entrance into a harbor. 3. The crosspiece of a bridle bit, which enters the mouth of an animal. 4. A principal speaker; one who utters the common opinion; a mouthpiece. "Every coffeehouse has some particular statesman belonging to it, who is the mouth of the street where he lives." (Addison) 5. Cry; voice. 6. Speech; language; testimony. "That in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established." (Matt. Xviii. 16) 7. A wry face; a grimace; a mow. "Counterfeit sad looks, Make mouths upon me when I turn my back." (Shak) Down in the mouth, chapfallen; of dejected countenance; depressed; discouraged. Mouth friend, one who professes friendship insincerely. Mouth glass, a small mirror for inspecting the mouth or teeth. Mouth honor, honor given in words, but not felt. Mouth organ. Pan's pipes. See Pandean. An harmonicon. Mouth pipe, an organ pipe with a lip or plate to cut the escaping air and make a sound. To stop the mouth, to silence or be silent; to put to shame; to confound. "The mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped." (Ps. Lxiii. 11) "Whose mouths must be stopped." (Titus i. 11) Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Mouth

mouth (current term)
mouth-to-mouth respiration
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
mouth-to-mouth resuscitations
mouth bow
mouth breather

Literary usage of Mouth

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain (2000)
"It is a remarkable river in this: that instead of widening towards its mouth, it grows narrower; grows narrower and deeper. From the junction of the Ohio to ..."

2. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1919)
"It is the carrying of the infected hand to the mouth or nose, ... In the present instance the hand was brought in contact with the mouth or nose, ..."

3. The Lancet (1842)
"Continues to improve, but complains of her mouth being very sore. ... the following as a wash for the mouth :— 14. Complains of purging and griping, ..."

4. Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain (2000)
"It is a remarkable river in this: that instead of widening towards its mouth, it grows narrower; grows narrower and deeper. From the junction of the Ohio to ..."

5. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1919)
"It is the carrying of the infected hand to the mouth or nose, ... In the present instance the hand was brought in contact with the mouth or nose, ..."

6. The Lancet (1842)
"Continues to improve, but complains of her mouth being very sore. ... the following as a wash for the mouth :— 14. Complains of purging and griping, ..."

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