¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Motorcars
1. motorcar [n] - See also: motorcar
Lexicographical Neighbors of Motorcars
Literary usage of Motorcars
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Electrical Engineer (1898)
"motorcars in France.—According to the Moniteur Industriel, the Chemin de fer du
Nord is about to introduce electric motorcars to supplement its suburban ..."
2. McGraw Electric Railway Manual: The Red Book of American Street Railways edited by Frederic Nicholas (1903)
"8>í in.; 50 Ib. T rail¡9 motorcars, i freight car, i snow plow: West. dynamos and
motors, Briggs cars, Peckham trucks; rent power. OFFICERS. ..."
3. The Reign of Rubber by William Chauncey Geer (1922)
"America, as well as Europe, the registration of motorcars has not ... The wealth
of many countries is sufficient to afford motorcars to carry food products ..."