Definition of Motivate
1. Verb. Give an incentive for action. "They motivate him to write the letter"; "This moved me to sacrifice my career"
Generic synonyms: Cause, Do, Make
Related verbs: Affect, Impress, Move, Strike, Move
Derivative terms: Act, Incitation, Incitement, Motivation, Motivation, Motivation, Motivative, Motivator, Motive, Propulsion
Definition of Motivate
1. v. t. To provide with a motive; to move; impel; induce; incite.
Definition of Motivate
1. Verb. (transitive) To provide someone with an incentive to do something; to encourage. ¹
2. Verb. (transitive) To animate; to propel; to cause to take action ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Motivate
1. to provide with an incentive [v -VATED, -VATING, -VATES]
Lexicographical Neighbors of Motivate
Literary usage of Motivate
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Practical Ideas for Teaching Writing As a Process by Carol B. Olson (1996)
"u sing Visual Stimuli to motivate Reluctant Writers and to Foster Descriptive
Writing Skills By Sue Rader Willett English Teacher, Capistrano Valley High ..."
2. The Technique of Bridging Gaps in the Action of German Drama Since Gottsched by Walter Raleigh Myers (1911)
"WR MYERS With this condition clearly in mind, it is no longer difficult to
understand the use of reports to motivate the expression of emotion. ..."
3. Making the Match: The Right Book for the Right Reader at the Right Time by Teri S. Lesesne (2003)
"... Books to motivate Reluctant Readers This is the list of books Lois Buckman
and I collected for our Student Teacher Online Mentoring Project (STOMP) over ..."
4. Motivation & Learning: A Teacher's Guide to Building Excitement for Learning by Spence Rogers, Jim Ludington, Shari Graham (1999)
"... A 2.36 NUMBERS motivate For some reason people perk up when they hear numbers.
This can be used to focus students' attention on major points. ..."
5. The Use of Motives in Teaching Morals and Religion by Thomas Walton Galloway (1917)
"More important to motivate expression than impression. In proportion as the
expressive side of life is important in the development of life, is it necessary ..."
6. When I'm 64 by Laura L. Carstensen, Christine R. Hartel (2006)
"Initiatives to motivate change: A review of theory and practice and their
implications for older adults. In National Research Council, When I'm 64 (pp. ..."
7. When the Lights Go Out, and Never Come Back On: Nuclear Terrorism in America by Bruce Hoffman, United States Dept. of Energy, Rand Corporation (1987)
"... activities and the greater v weapons protests could shape and motivate the
future threat to nu in the defense requirements for those facilities. ..."