Definition of Morning
1. Noun. The time period between dawn and noon. "I spent the morning running errands"
Generic synonyms: Period, Period Of Time, Time Period
Group relationships: Day, Daylight, Daytime
Terms within: Early-morning Hour
2. Noun. A conventional expression of greeting or farewell.
3. Noun. The first light of day. "They talked until morning"
Generic synonyms: Hour, Time Of Day
Derivative terms: Auroral, Aurorean, Dawn, Dawn
Antonyms: Sunset
4. Noun. The earliest period. "The morning of the world"
Definition of Morning
1. n. The first or early part of the day, variously understood as the earliest hours of light, the time near sunrise; the time from midnight to noon, from rising to noon, etc.
2. a. Pertaining to the first part or early part of the day; being in the early part of the day; as, morning dew; morning light; morning service.
Definition of Morning
1. Noun. The part of the day after midnight and before midday: ''one o'clock in the morning'' = 0100 or 1 a.m. ¹
2. Noun. The part of the day from dawn to midday. ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Morning
1. the early part of the day [n -S]
Medical Definition of Morning
Pertaining to the first part or early part of the day; being in the early part of the day; as, morning dew; morning light; morning service. "She looks as clear As morning roses newly washed with dew." (Shak) Morning gown, a gown worn in the morning before one is dressed for the day. Morning gun, a gun fired at the first stroke of reveille at military posts.
Lexicographical Neighbors of Morning
Literary usage of Morning
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy (1917)
"CHAPTER VII THE morning AND THE EVENING OF A DAY The wedding morning came. ...
The morning wore away. Eleven o'clock struck: could it be that the wedding ..."