Definition of Monkey bread

1. Noun. African gourd-like fruit with edible pulp.

Exact synonyms: Sour Gourd
Generic synonyms: Edible Fruit
Group relationships: Adansonia Digitata, Baobab, Monkey-bread Tree

Definition of Monkey bread

1. Noun. a type of gourd, the fruit of the baobab tree, eaten by monkeys ¹

2. Noun. the tree itself ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Monkey Bread

monkey-bread tree
monkey-faced owl
monkey-faced owls
monkey B virus
monkey around
monkey bars
monkey boy
monkey boys
monkey bread
monkey breads
monkey bridge
monkey business
monkey diseases
monkey dog
monkey flip
monkey hand
monkey humping a football
monkey in the middle
monkey jacket
monkey jackets
monkey ladder
monkey malaria
monkey nut

Literary usage of Monkey bread

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa: Being a Journal of an by Heinrich Barth (1896)
"... or monkey-bread-tree, branching off from the ground into three separate trunks ; at least, I never remember to have seen any thing like it, although the ..."

2. The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language by William Dwight Whitney (1890)
"[Eng.] monkey-bread (mung'ki-bred), n. The fruit of the baobab-tree; also, ... Foliage, bruit and Flower of Monkey- bread Tree (Adansonia digitata). ..."

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