Definition of Military attaché

1. Noun. An attache who is a specialist in military matters.

Specialized synonyms: Air Attache, Army Attache, Naval Attache
Generic synonyms: Attache

Definition of Military attaché

1. Noun. A diplomatic attaché for military affairs ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Military Attaché

military-entertainment complex
military-industrial complex
military abduction
military abductions
military academies
military academy
military action
military adviser
military advisor
military antishock trousers
military attache
military attaché
military attachés
military band
military blockade
military brat
military campaign
military capability
military censorship
military ceremony
military chaplain
military commission
military control
military court
military dentistry
military drill

Literary usage of Military attaché

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War by James Brown Scott (1916)
"Major von Eggeling 'a report was summarised in the following telegram which Count Pour- tales sent to Berlin and placed at my disposal: Military Attache ..."

2. Bismarck, the Man & the Statesman: Being the Reflections and Reminiscences by Otto Bismarck (1899)
"... formerly commandant of Kol- berg, and the first military attache at St. Petersburg, a particularly intimate position with the Emperor. ..."

3. The Real Triumph of Japan, the Conquest of the Silent Foeby Louis Livingston Seaman by Louis Livingston Seaman (1906)
"Kennan and Dinwiddie, to Colonel Mac- pherson, Military Attache of Great Britain, Major Matignon, Military Attache of France, and Captain Hoffmann, ..."

4. The Origins of the War by Raymond Poincaré (1921)
"The British Military Attache at Berlin learnt from a good source, and informed us of the fact, that the annual rectifications of the German mobilization ..."

5. The Tribune Almanac and Political Register by Horace Greeley (1909)
"... Military Attache, Lieutenant Colonel BR James. Embassy, No. 1300 Connecticut avenue. Germany.—Ambassador E. and P., Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff ..."

6. From Private to Field-marshal by William Robert Robertson (1921)
"the Foreign Office ; more proficient military attache's were not, in all cases. These officers were for the most part underpaid, ..."

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