Definition of Metal

1. Adjective. Containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal. "The strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"

2. Verb. Cover with metal.
Generic synonyms: Coat, Surface

3. Noun. Any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc..
Exact synonyms: Metallic Element
Specialized synonyms: Heavy Metal, Base Metal, Noble Metal, Al, Aluminium, Aluminum, Atomic Number 13, Am, Americium, Atomic Number 95, Antimony, Atomic Number 51, Sb, Atomic Number 56, Ba, Barium, Atomic Number 97, Berkelium, Bk, Atomic Number 4, Be, Beryllium, Glucinium, Atomic Number 83, Bi, Bismuth, Atomic Number 48, Cadmium, Cd, Atomic Number 20, Ca, Calcium, Atomic Number 98, Californium, Cf, Atomic Number 58, Ce, Cerium, Atomic Number 55, Caesium, Cesium, Cs, Atomic Number 24, Chromium, Cr, Atomic Number 27, Co, Cobalt, Atomic Number 29, Copper, Cu, Atomic Number 96, Cm, Curium, Atomic Number 66, Dy, Dysprosium, Atomic Number 99, E, Einsteinium, Es, Atomic Number 68, Er, Erbium, Atomic Number 63, Eu, Europium, Atomic Number 100, Fermium, Fm, Atomic Number 87, Fr, Francium, Atomic Number 64, Gadolinium, Gd, Atomic Number 31, Ga, Gallium, Atomic Number 72, Hafnium, Hf, Atomic Number 67, Ho, Holmium, Atomic Number 49, In, Indium, Atomic Number 77, Ir, Iridium, Atomic Number 26, Fe, Iron, Atomic Number 57, La, Lanthanum, Atomic Number 82, Lead, Pb, Atomic Number 3, Li, Lithium, Atomic Number 71, Lu, Lutecium, Lutetium, Atomic Number 12, Magnesium, Mg, Atomic Number 25, Manganese, Mn, Atomic Number 80, Hg, Hydrargyrum, Mercury, Quicksilver, Atomic Number 42, Mo, Molybdenum, Atomic Number 60, Nd, Neodymium, Atomic Number 93, Neptunium, Np, Atomic Number 28, Ni, Nickel, Atomic Number 41, Nb, Niobium, Atomic Number 76, Os, Osmium, Atomic Number 46, Palladium, Pd, Atomic Number 84, Po, Polonium, Atomic Number 19, K, Potassium, Atomic Number 59, Pr, Praseodymium, Atomic Number 61, Pm, Promethium, Atomic Number 91, Pa, Protactinium, Protoactinium, Atomic Number 88, Ra, Radium, Atomic Number 75, Re, Rhenium, Atomic Number 45, Rh, Rhodium, Atomic Number 37, Rb, Rubidium, Atomic Number 44, Ru, Ruthenium, Atomic Number 62, Samarium, Sm, Atomic Number 21, Sc, Scandium, Atomic Number 11, Na, Sodium, Atomic Number 38, Sr, Strontium, Atomic Number 73, Ta, Tantalum, Atomic Number 43, Tc, Technetium, Atomic Number 65, Tb, Terbium, Atomic Number 81, Thallium, Tl, Atomic Number 90, Th, Thorium, Atomic Number 69, Thulium, Tm, Atomic Number 50, Sn, Tin, Atomic Number 22, Ti, Titanium, Atomic Number 74, Tungsten, W, Wolfram, Atomic Number 92, U, Uranium, Atomic Number 23, V, Vanadium, Atomic Number 70, Yb, Ytterbium, Atomic Number 39, Y, Yttrium, Atomic Number 30, Zinc, Zn, Atomic Number 40, Zirconium, Zr, Alkali Metal, Alkaline Metal, Alkaline Earth, Alkaline-earth Metal
Generic synonyms: Chemical Element, Element
Derivative terms: Metallic

4. Noun. A mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when molten. "Brass is an alloy of zinc and copper"

Definition of Metal

1. n. An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc.

2. v. t. To cover with metal; as, to metal a ship's bottom; to metal a road.

Definition of Metal

1. Noun. Any of a number of chemical elements in the periodic table that form a metallic bond with other metal atoms; generally shiny, somewhat malleable and hard, often a conductor of heat and electricity. ¹

2. Noun. Any material with similar physical properties, such as an alloy. ¹

3. Noun. (astronomy) Any element other than hydrogen and helium,Majewski, S. R. (2003, 2006). [ CHEMICAL ABUNDANCE EFFECTS ON SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS]. ''ASTR 551 (Majewski) Lecture Notes.'' or sometimes other than hydrogen.Martin, J. C. (n.d.). [ What we learn from a star's metal content] ¹

4. Noun. Crushed rock, stones etc. used to make a road. ¹

5. Noun. (tincture) A light tincture used in a coat of arms, specifically argent and or. ¹

6. Noun. Molten glass that is to be blown or moulded to form objects ¹

7. Noun. (music) A category of rock music encompassing a number of genres (including thrash metal, death metal, heavy metal, etc.) categorised by strong, fast drum-beats and distorted guitars. ¹

8. Verb. To make a road using crushed rock, stones etc. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Metal

1. to cover with metal (any of various ductile, fusible, and lustrous substances) [v -ALED, -ALING, -ALS or -ALLED, -ALLING, -ALS]

Medical Definition of Metal

1. 1. An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted with the nonmetals, or metalloids. No sharp line can be drawn between the metals and nonmetals, and certain elements partake of both acid and basic qualities, as chromium, manganese, bismuth, etc. Popularly, the name is applied to certain hard, fusible metals, as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead, zinc, nickel, etc, and also to the mixed metals, or metallic alloys, as brass, bronze, steel, bell metal, etc. 2. Ore from which a metal is derived; so called by miners. 3. A mine from which ores are taken. "Slaves . . . And persons condemned to metals." (Jer. Taylor) 4. The substance of which anything is made; material; hence, constitutional disposition; character; temper. "Not till God make men of some other metal than earth." (Shak) 5. Courage; spirit; mettle. See Mettle. The allusion is to the temper of the metal of a sword blade. 6. The broken stone used in macadamizing roads and ballasting railroads. 7. The effective power or calibre of guns carried by a vessel of war. 8. Glass in a state of fusion. 9. The rails of a railroad. Base metal, an alloy resembling brass, consisting of three parts of copper to one of zinc; also called Prince Rupert's metal. Origin: F. Metal, L. Metallum metal, mine, Gr. Mine; cf. Gr. To search after. Cf. Mettle, Medal. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Metal

metahypophysial diabetes
metal (current term)
metal-organic framework
metal bar
metal base
metal carbonyl
metal ceramic alloys
metal cluster compound
metal detecting
metal detector
metal detectorist
metal detectors
metal drum

Literary usage of Metal

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the by Charles George Herbermann, Edward Aloysius Pace, Condé Bénoist Pallen, Thomas Joseph Shahan, John Joseph Wynne (1913)
"While it can hardly be said that this period added anything essentially new to the metal-work of the previous centuries, it is nevertheless true that it ..."

2. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1879)
"Reaction of the resulting métallo unions with post-transition metal halides, perfluoroalkyl iodides, acetic acid, and methyl iodide afforded a series of ..."

3. Transactions. by New Hampshire Medical Society, American Ethnological Society (1858)
"Blue metal, mixed with post, and three ironstone girdles 1 4. ... Ironstone girdle 0 2 1 S. Blue metal, mixed with post 10 10 1 S. Black slatey stone ..."

4. Annual Report by Ontario Dept. of Highways, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture and Food, Ontario Dept. of Public Works (1897)
"PLACING metal ON THE ROADS. la otder to obtain a knowledge of the manner in which gravel, broken stone or other road metal should be placed on the roadway, ..."

5. Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Standard Work of Reference in Art, Literature (1907)
"The condensation of this vapor, however, demands special methods, because even the cold metal would quickly oxidize in the air and act most violently on ..."

6. United States Supreme Court Reports by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, United States Supreme Court (1890)
""It is the object, therefore, of my invention to overcome the-objections to the employment of spiral metal springs as a substitute for india rubber in ..."

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