Definition of Loveable
1. Adjective. Having characteristics that attract love or affection. "A mischievous but lovable child"
Also: Desirable, Amicable, Loving
Similar to: Adorable, Endearing, Lovely, Angelic, Angelical, Cherubic, Seraphic, Sweet, Cuddlesome, Cuddly
Antonyms: Hateful
Derivative terms: Love, Love, Love, Love
Definition of Loveable
1. a. See Lovable.
Definition of Loveable
1. Adjective. (alternative form of lovable) ¹
¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Loveable
1. lovable [adj] : LOVEABLY [adv] - See also: lovable
Lexicographical Neighbors of Loveable
Literary usage of Loveable
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. Curiosities of the Law Reporters by Franklin Fiske Heard (1871)
"But whereas it .is written in deeds Amabilia and Mabilia, I think it cometh from
Amabilis, that is, loveable, or Lovely, and that the names are the same. ..."
2. The Christian Remembrancer by William Scott (1846)
"... have stamped her as the most inviting, the most loveable, (if we may use the
expression,) the most alluring to goodness, among the mediaeval saints. ..."
3. Miscellanies by Charles Kingsley (1860)
"... and strong; for there is no form of loveable or right thing which this man
has come across, which he does not seem to have appreciated. ..."
4. The World's Great Classics by Timothy Dwight, Julian Hawthorne (1899)
"There is just as little of the wide sympathy with all that is human which is so
loveable in Chaucer and Shakspere. On the contrary the Puritan individuality ..."