¹ Source: wiktionary.com
Definition of Logograms
1. logogram [n] - See also: logogram
Lexicographical Neighbors of Logograms
Literary usage of Logograms
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. The Phonographic Amanuensis: A Presentation of Pitman Phonography, More by Jerome Bird Howard (1919)
"The logograms.—The following logograms are derived from the signs which ...
The ticks the, a, an, and join with these logograms as follows: r Exercise XLI. ..."
2. The Reporter's Companion by Benn Pitman, Jerome Bird Howard (1897)
"logograms.—When an outline is so far contracted that only one stroke remains,
... The logograms will be found printed in heavy face type, in the " List of ..."
3. Cassell's Complete Book of Sports and Pastimes: Being a Compendium of Out by Cassell & Co, Cassell (London) (1896)
"logograms. As its name implies, a logogram is a puzzle in which a word is made
... One of his logograms has been selected, and is given here, because it so ..."
4. The New International Encyclopædia edited by Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby (1903)
"They are not loanwords, as is the case with the Arabic element in Persian, but
seem to have been logograms, ie Semitic words were written, but Iranian words ..."